Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm Baaaacccckkkk!!!!!! LOL!

Sorry that I've been MIA! I just haven't felt like blogging lately :( I did have my gallbladder surgery in March and it went really well! I NO LONGER have THAT pain. YAY!!! I did, however, end up with pneumonia after the surgery which really knocked me on my feet and I have had a hard time getting back up since. I'm still running a higher than normal temp every day and just feeling exhausted! I'll be going to a rheumatologist for some testing soon.
On the crocheting front, I didn't get much done for a while, but I have recently started getting my groove back, lol! It's about time! :)

Here are five scarves I made for Compassionate Creations. The middle one is a free pattern from the lionbrand site called the waffle stitch scarf.

Squares for a lady on C'ville for a comfortghan

I'll be making some kid's hats and scarves for a C'ville friends charity

Another scarf for Compassionate Creations from a lionbrand pattern!

This is a 12" sq for my SKY friend Jessica on C'ville. It's called Eternal Braid by Chris Simon.

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